Print) Address City State NEW YORK INSTITUTE GIF PHOTOGRAPHY Zone 10 lllest 33 Street. Low-effort novelty accounts that do not constructively contribute content or add to discussion (e.g., trolling, counting, modifying parent comments, correcting someone's grammar, etc.) are not allowed on /r/GIFs. Use it for chopper wagon, boat trailer, machine mover, logging. Please Note: Bot accounts are not allowed. Sound, text boxes, and GIFs that heavily depend on captions are still not allowed. † We may allow multiple cuts and/or GIFs up to a minute long depending on the popularity of a post. We will remove any posts violating reddit's official rules (spam, personal information, vote manipulation, etc.) and reddiquette just makes reddit a better place to visit. Please familiarize yourself with the official rules and reddiquette. Racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise abusive submissions or comments will result in an immediate ban. However, posts with overused, overly vague, or click-bait titles may be removed, and repeated false claims of ownership may result in a ban. (Please note that NSFW tags do not cover the aforementioned content.) There are other subreddits dedicated to NSFW content. Failure to comply will result in removal of post and banning. If it can get you fired then it should not be here. These are not allowed in posts or comments - No exceptions.

No nudity, pornography, gore, or other NSFW material. Do not encourage any online or real-life harassment, and don't encourage people to downvote other posts/comments. There are other subreddits dedicated to this kind of content. No depictions of real-life harassment or assault.

URL-shorteners are NOT allowed in posts or comments! No links to image pages or albums are allowed, your submission must be a single GIF image. Incredibly long gifs, subtitles, large file size gifs, or content much better suited to video formats will be removed (e.g multiple cuts, sound, text boxes, subtitles in the GIF). (This rule does not apply to comments)ĭo not post GIFs that should be videos. There are already subreddits more suited for this kind of content. No Reaction, Meme, HIFW, Analogy, Cake Day, or Upvote GIFs. Please include a link to the original reddit submission in your report or modmail if you have it. Please help us enforce this rule by reporting offending submissions. Frequent violations of this rule may result in a ban. Please use Karma Decay to see if your gif has already been submitted. This includes videos converted to GIF formats.